Integrating R and Python with reticulate

Posted on Sun 20 March 2022 in R


reticulate is an R package that allows interoperability between R and Python. I recently discovered this package, and I have been excited to efficiently run Python scripts inside an R session, bringing the best of both worlds.

In this post, I will demonstrate reticulate with two scripts. First, I will start an R session with an R script. Then I will call a Python script inside the R session and manipulate the Python output.

The demonstration output will be a data frame containing exon coordinates of two genes and the nucleotide sequences of those exons.

As always, I will post the code of this demo at my portfolio.

R script: part 1/2

I will start by listing the R packages I will use for the demonstration. Install them with install.packages() or BiocManager::install() if they are Bioconductor packages (install BiocManager with install.packages() as well).


# Biocondutctor packages

Next, using here() package, I will create the full path of a GFF3 file. The GFF3 format stores genomic features in a text file to help represent genomic data. This file in question contains features of the whole human genome. Since it is a big file, download it at the NCBI’s FTP site.

gffPath <- here("GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.refseq_annotation.gff")

Edit the path using here()s syntax if necessary.

To keep things simple, I create a vector with just two genes:

genes <- c("HTT", "FMR1")

Now I can start working with the Python script. If you use conda environments to work with Python as I do, you can select the environment with reticulates use_condaenv() function. In this case, I will use my bioenv environment.


Using here() again, I set up the path for the Python script. Then, I use reticulates source_python() function to run the Python script.

pythonScript <- here("")


Let me show you the contents of this script.

Python script

The modules I will use for the demonstration will be pyranges and pandas. I surmise pyranges calls pandas in the background, but explicit is better than implicit.

import pyranges as pr
import pandas as pd

(Remember to install all the necessary Python modules in the environment beforehand with conda or pip).

conda install -c bioconda pyranges
# or
pip install pyranges

Then, I read the GFF3 file into the Python session using pyrangess read_gff3() function. Since I saved the file path into R’s gffPath object, I must use the r. prefix to bring it into the Python session, like this:

grch38_gff = pr.read_gff3(r.gffPath)

Next, I append the .df suffix into the grch38_gff Python object to convert it into a pandas data frame to facilitate the search for the genes I established into the R session:

df = grch38_gff.df

I will search for the genes with pandass str.contains() method. To do this, I must create a regex string. I will append a $ to the end of each gene name to match the whole gene string:

suffix = "$"

Next, I will use a list comprehension and Python’s join() method to create the search string :

search_string = "|".join([gene + suffix for gene in r.genes])

The search_string object turns up like this (remember that the pipe | character means “or” in regex):

# outputs: 
# HTT$|FMR1$

Then I can finally filter the data frame to include only those genes:

df = df[(df["gene"].str.contains(search_string)) & (df["Feature"] == "exon")]

The line above concludes the Python script. Now let us return to the R script to wrap things up.

R script: part 2/2

We can retrieve Python objects into the R session similarly to the other around. We must use the prefix py$ in R to get the objects generated by Python (the ones outputted by the script).

Therefore, I will retrieve the data frame df object and assign it to the exonsCoordinates R object:

exonsCoordinates <- py$df

Before working with it, let me source a function that will retrieve the exon sequences using the GenomicRanges (pyranges is Python’s GenomicRanges analog), BSgenome and BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 packages.

source(here("src", "getSequence.R"))

# Function code (getSequence.R file):
getSequence <- function(chr, start, end) {
  gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(glue::glue("{chr}:{start}-{end}"))
  refBase <- BSgenome::getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, gr)
  refBase <-$x[1]


Important: The first use of BSgenome/BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 will prompt the download of human genomic sequence caches to be saved into a specific location on your computer. Be sure you have sufficient data allowances and space.

Finally, using tidyverse (dplyr) pipe %>% syntax, I create a new column in the data frame (mutate()) using the Chromosome, Start, and End columns as arguments to my custom getSequence() function. The new column will contain the exon sequences. Observe the use of rowwise() and ungroup(). Since my function is not vectorized, I must use it row-wise instead of column-wise. The first function ensures this. The second function restores the data frame to its column-wise nature after getSequence() finishes its job. Then, I select just some of the columns of the data frame with dplyrs select() function:

exonsCoordinatesClean <- exonsCoordinates %>% 
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(sequence = getSequence(Chromosome, Start, End)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(Chromosome, Feature, Start, End, Score, Strand, Frame, ID, gene, sequence)


In conclusion, I :

  • Demonstrated how to run a Python script with reticulate without leaving an active R session;
  • Explained how to retrieve Python objects into an R session and vice-versa.
  • Demonstrated a simple function that retrieves nucleotide sequences from human genome using chromosome coordinates.

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Interface to Python

Bioconductor - Home


Index of /genomes/all/GCA/000/001/405/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38/seqs_for_alignment_pipelines.ucsc_ids

here | A Simpler Way to Find Your Files

Setting Up Your Unix Computer for Bioinformatics Analysis

GitHub - biocore-ntnu/pyranges: Performant Pythonic GenomicRanges

pandas - Python Data Analysis Library

PEP 20 – The Zen of Python |


