FASTQ to Annotation (Part 2)

Posted on Fri 02 October 2020 in Unix


In a previous post, I showed how to configure an Ubuntu system to install Bioinformatics programs.

Now, using the environment I created, I will demonstrate a bash script, that takes next generation sequencing (NGS) raw reads from human whole genome sequencing as input and produces variant annotation as output. Variant annotation is the process of identifying genetic variants in some genomic DNA sample, and assess, for example, if any of the found variants have any effect on phenotype, such as increased susceptibility to certain diseases.

In the first part, I showed how to search for NGS projects deposited in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases from which I can download sequencing reads later to use with the script.

Here in the second part, I will show how to retrieve raw genome sequencing reads in the form of FASTQ files, which are deposited in SRA.

But first, let’s review what FASTQ files are.

What is the the FASTQ format

The FASTQ file format is how we store the output of whole genome or transcriptomic sequencing (sequences of nucleotides). It inherits its name from the FASTA format that stores and the word Qualities, because a FASTQ file not only contains the nucleotide sequence, but also contains the quality of the sequencing procedure.

The qualities are represented by Phred scores (Q), which is used to calculate the probability of a nucleotide being incorrectly identified during sequencing using a formula (I will not go into details here). So, for example, if we check a FASTQ file and found a nucleotide with Q = 30, it means that there is a probability of 1 in 1000 that it was incorrectly assigned during sequencing — in other words an accuracy of 99.9%. Therefore, Q values around 30 and above are generally seem as very good quality.

The reason FASTQ files contain information about quality

Because during use of these kind of files, it is important that we have confidence on the sequence assignment. During processing in Bioinformatics analysis pipelines, we can remove low-quality nucleotides to ensure that he have the “cleanest” information possible.

Obtaining FASTQ files

We obtain FASTQ after sequencing of genomic samples in platforms such as Illumina, which practically dominates the NGS market nowadays. Check the fundamentals of Illumina’s NGS platform here. Normally, researchers deposit raw FASTQ files on public databases to share their discoveries with other scientists. This is why I took note of the BioProject accession ID during the demonstration of Part 1. With this ID, I can retrieve sequencing reads associated with the project.

A Warning

FASTQ files, especially from human samples, have very big sizes, in the gigabytes range. Therefore, considerable computing power and storage are needed to process these kind of files.

Retrieving reads from a BioProject

Activate the environment, if needed, and connect to SRA database via EDirect esearch command using the PRJNA436005 as keyword for query. Then, we pipe the results to the efetch command. With the -format flag, it will format the results into the runinfo format (more on that later). Finally, will save it into the PRJNA436005_runinfo.csv file. You can choose other name if you wish.

# Continuing into the folder I created in the previous part
cd demo
conda activate bioenv

esearch -db sra -query 'PRJNA436005' | efetch -format runinfo > PRJNA436005_runinfo.csv

The runinfo format displays metadata of read sets. Reads are inferred sequences of base pairs corresponding to DNA fragments produced during procedures for NGS. The collection of DNA fragments from a given sample is called a library, which are sequenced to produce the set of reads.

Checking the CSV file, I see that there are seven read sets generated by the project, each displayed on a row, and are identified by the SRR prefix followed by some numbers. With this ID is possible to retrieve FASTQ files for each read set. Now I check the LibraryLayout column to confirm they are all PAIRED reads, meaning that the researchers sequenced both ends of a fragment. Thus, each read set will produce two FASTQ files, containing the sequences and qualities from all reads obtained from the library of the original sample. This is important to check because the script requires paired reads.

Other interesting columns that I like to check are:

  • spots, which are the number of physical locations in the sequencing flow cells where the sequencing adaptors are fixed. A spot contains several nucleotide bases from several, possibly millions, of reads;
  • avgLength, which as the name implies, is the average length, in nucleotides, of reads in the set;
  • size_MB, the size in megabytes of the read set;
  • LibrarySource, which indicates if the sample source is GENOMIC, TRANSCRIPTOMIC and so on;
  • Platform, the vendor of NGS procedure;
  • Model, the model of the Platform;
  • Sex, Disease and Tumor: descriptors of sample phenotype.

For now, I will use only the first read, which has the SRR6784104 ID, since I will just demonstrate the script use. Finally, let’s download the read set with the EDirect fastq-dump command and split it into two files (--split-files flag), one with reads from each end of DNA fragments in the original library, and compress them with --gzip:

fastq-dump --split-files SRR6784104 --gzip

After a moment, two fastq.gz files will be downloaded to the current working directory and are ready to be used as the input for the

Conclusion (Part 2)

In this part I showed how to:

  • obtain and inspect metadata from projects via their BioProjects accession ID;
  • download read sets via their SRR accession ID via fastq-dump.

I need to do some final preparations before using the script.

Go to FASTQ to Annotation (Part 3)

Go back to FASTQ to Annotation (Part 1)


Setting Up Your Unix Computer for Bioinformatics Analysis

FASTQ to Annotation (Part 1)

FASTQ files explained

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Home - SRA - NCBI

Illumina | Sequencing and array-based solutions for genetic research

Next-Generation Sequencing for Beginners | NGS basics for researchers