Parsing the ClinVar XML file with pandas

Posted on Sat 04 February 2023 in Python


ClinVar is one of the USA’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases. ClinVar archives reports of relationships among human genetic variants and phenotypes (usually genetic disorders). Any organization, such as a laboratory, hospital, clinic etc can submit data to ClinVar. The core idea of ClinVar is aggregate evidence for the clinical significance of any genetic variant concerning any disorder. Over 2,400 organizations contributed more than 2 million 600 thousand records to ClinVar, representing more than 1 million 600 thousand unique variants.

Anyone can freely search ClinVar through their website, using gene symbols, genomic coordinates, HGVS expressions, phenotypes, and more. If you want to perform a few queries, the online search tool does a good job. However, if you are pursuing more complex scientific questions, or are intending to download batches of data, the search tool will not suffice. Other NCBI databases can be queried via the command line with the Entrez Direct (EDirect) utilities (in a previous post I mention how to work with the EDirect utilities). Unfortunately, ClinVar does not currently support a batch query interface via EDirect utilities.

However, ClinVar provides other approaches for the access and use of their data. One of these approaches is the provisioning of the complete public data set in the form of an XML file stored at the ClinVar FTP server. The ClinVarFullRelease XML file is updated weekly, and every release happening on the first Thursday of the month is archived.

Parsing the ClinVar XML file

Recently, I started assisting my team in uploading variant/phenotype interpretations to ClinVar. I wanted to find a way to gather all our submissions into a spreadsheet so every team member could easily check whenever necessary. Thus, I downloaded the full ClinVar release XML file and tried to parse it with the XML-handling ElementTree module. However, I had limited success. I could extract some information, but the output did not turn out exactly the way I was intending, so I set out to find working alternatives.

Eventually, I found out that the pandas module has a method to convert XML-stored data into traditional data frames. Moreover, since September 2022, their read_xml() function supports large XML files via the iterparse argument (read an excerpt of the release note here).

The function documentation states that the iterparse argument is a memory-efficient method for handling big XML files without storing all data elements within memory. This was exactly my case, so I tried the read_xml() function — it worked quite well!

I wrote a small script that you can use to parse the ClinVar XML file. Of course, when you get acquainted with the read_xml(), you may use it for parsing any other XML you wish. I used an AWS EC2 instance with 90 GB RAM while working on this tutorial. I did not try to process the ClinVar file in less powerful systems. Try at your own risk.

I uploaded the script (named to the corresponding folder on my portfolio.

Downloading the full ClinVar release XML file

You can download the latest .gz-compressed XML files via the following links (WARNING: the release files are HUGE):

Weekly release

Monthly release

Go to a convenient directory on your system and download one of the files above. I downloaded the most recent monthly release and decompressed it soon after:


gunzip ClinVarFullRelease_00-latest.xml.gz

If you want to check the file integrity, compare your checksum against the corresponding ClinVar-provided checksum file:

Weekly release (MD5 checksum file)

Monthly release (MD5 checksum file)

Installing modules

The iterparse argument in the read_xml() function was introduced in pandas version 1.5.0 and requires the lxml or ElementTree modules to work. In this tutorial, I will use lxml (the default). Therefore, install the necessary modules via pip or conda (see my previous post on how to configure conda virtual environments in a Unix system). For example:

conda activate env_name
conda install -c conda-forge pandas=1.5.0 lxml

Running the script

Finally, let’s walk through the script. First, I import the pandas module:

import pandas as pd

Next, I saved the XML file path into the xml_file_path object:

xml_file_path = "ClinVarFullRelease_00-latest.xml"

Then, I investigated the XML using grep commands to match specific strings of interest to get a feel of how the XML file was structured. I am sure that are better ways to assess the XML elements structure, but I am not an expert in XML files.

Through my investigation of the file, I concluded that the ClinVarAssertion elements within the XML structure contained all information I was needing at the moment. Thus, I created a Python dictionary object named iterparse_dict with the string “ClinVarAssertion” as a key and a Python list as its corresponding value:

iterparse_dict = {"ClinVarAssertion": []}

The key represents the parent XML node tag. The value is a list containing all child or grandchild nodes, tags, or attributes at any node level inside the main XML node — simple as that. I chose the following:

iterparse_dict = {
    "ClinVarAssertion": [

Then, I passed the iterparse_dict as the value for the iterparse argument of the read_xml() function and stored the output as the df object — a pandas.DataFrame. The columns of the data frame will correspond to the information stored at each ClinVarAssertion tag, attributes

df = pd.read_xml(xml_file_path, iterparse=iterparse_dict)

After some time, the function returns a data frame that you can further filter to search for information. For now, I saved the data frame as a pickled object:


At any moment, I can restore the data frame through pandas as well (REMEMBER: Loading pickled data received from untrusted sources can be unsafe):

df = pd.read_pickle("pandas_parsed.pkl")


In this post, I demonstrated one way of exploring the full release of the ClinVar database, through an up-to-date pandas method that can deal with big XML files.


A brief explanation of what each value in the iterparse_dict dictionary object represents:

  • ID: A unique numeric id representing a submission (a single submission usually contains many variant/phenotype interpretations).
  • SubmissionName: A unique string representing a submission.
  • localKey: The HGVS expression representing each variant within a single submission.
  • submittedAssembly: The assembly (genome reference build) that was used for variant calling, annotation and localization. Usually is “GRCh37” or “GRCh38”.
  • submitter: The organization that was responsible for the submission.
  • submitterDate: The date when the submission was uploaded to ClinVar.
  • Acc: A ClinVar identifier string. As stated in the ClinVar identifiers documentation: “Accession numbers in ClinVar have the pattern of 3 letters and 9 numerals. The letters are either SCV (think of it as Submitted record in ClinVar), RCV (Reference ClinVar record) or VCV (Variation ClinVar record).”
  • RecordStatus: The status of the record, whether current, deleted or secondary (merged).
  • OrgID: A unique numeric identifier for each organization that was responsible for the submission.
  • DateCreated: The date when the submission was accepted and integrated into the database.
  • DateUpdated: The date when the submitter updated the record.
  • Version: The version assigned to a record. As stated in the ClinVar identifiers documentation: “The version number is incremented when a submitter updates a record or when the contents of a reference or variation record change because of addition to, updates of, or deletion of the SCV accessions on which it is based.”
  • DateLastEvaluated: The date when the organization evaluated the clinical significance of any given variant in the context of any given phenotype.
  • Description: A description of the clinical significance of any given variant in the context of any given phenotype, such as “Pathogenic”, “Likely pathogenic”, “Benign”, etc.
  • ReviewStatus: As stated in the ClinVar review status documentation: “The level of review supporting the assertion of clinical significance for the variation.”
  • Comment: Any additional (free-text) comments the organization that was responsible for the submission provided regarding the interpretation of any given variant in the context of any given phenotype.

Subscribe to my RSS feed, Atom feed or Telegram channel to keep you updated whenever I post new content.


ClinVar | Documentation | What is ClinVar?

ClinVar | Documentation | Submitters

ClinVar | Search Tool

Sequence Variant Nomenclature

Entrez Direct: E-utilities on the Unix Command Line - Entrez Programming Utilities Help - NCBI Bookshelf

FASTQ to Annotation (Part 2)

Accessing and using data in ClinVar

ClinVar | FTP server | Index of /pub/clinvar/xml

xml.etree.ElementTree — The ElementTree XML API

pandas - Python Data Analysis Library

pandas | Documentation | What’s new in 1.5.0 (September 19, 2022)

Secure and resizable cloud compute – Amazon EC2 – Amazon Web Services

Setting Up Your Unix Computer for Bioinformatics Analysis

ClinVar | Documentation | Identifiers in ClinVar

ClinVar | Documentation | Review status